Our Services
An Affordable & Tailorable Range of Services
We work with a range of professionals in the building industry and can source the right professional for you if the need arises.
Our standard tailorable services include the following:
- Opening and operating bank accounts which are held in trust in the name of our Client.
- Preparation of annual service charge budgets
- Collecting service charge and ground rents including the pursuit of late payers.
- Maintaining financial records for individual properties and individual lessees
- Liaising with accountants and auditors to ensure timley preparation of financial information.
- Providing information to accountants prior to the preparation of annual service charge accounts.
- Sourcing highly competitive quotes for buildings and Directors and Officers insurance when acting as your Company Secretary.

- Company secretarial service including maintenance of statutory registers and organising Annual General Meetings
- Viewing the common parts of the Property to check condition and deal with any necessary repairs.
- Preparing specifications and contracts for minor works and services such as cleaning, gardening, window cleaning and overseeing such works.
- Organising periodic health and safety checks and risk assessments
- Consultation with the client on management matters
- Consultation with the client on long-term agreements
- Dealing with day-to-day lessee issues.
- Advising the Client on all relevant legislative and regulatory issues and general interpretation of leases.